Fleet Size:
Company Cars: 15
Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV): 24
Large Goods Vehicles (HGV): 81
Grey Fleet: 5

Road marking firm Wilson & Scott halved their third-party claim rate despite a 78% increase in their fleet. Contributing to this achievement were the fitment of telematics to the company’s vehicles and the launch of a new in-house dedicated driver training facility.
“I believe wholeheartedly and passionately that our employees, stakeholders and anyone else with whom we interact are protected from harm. This is of vital importance in respect of our Work-Related Road Safety and I am pleased to be able to give my personal commitment to lead Wilson and Scott in this regard. I have therefore taken a hands-on approach in the development and implementation of our dedicated road safety policies in order to evidence my commitment.”
Cameron Simms
Managing Director, Wilson and Scott Highways Ltd
“As Policies, Standards and Compliance Manager I acknowledge that Work Related Road Safety is a vital element in our work to prevent harm to our employees and to other road users, especially vulnerable persons. Working with company colleagues in fleet and logistics, health and safety, training and human resources, we have developed and implemented effective programmes for improvements in road safety”.
Richard Mills
Policies, Standards and Compliance Manager
Wilson and Scott Highways Ltd