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Driving For Work Policy

Owner: Rachel Harris Title: Fleet Manager
Date: 18/09/2024 Version: 1

Policy Statement

The Health and Safety Executive has recognised that driving for work is one of the most dangerous things many workers will do. It is estimated that up to a third of all road traffic incidents involve someone who is ‘driving for work’ at the time. This may account for around 12 fatalities and 150 serious injuries every week. Each year in Great Britain there are over 35,000 injury collisions that involve someone who was driving for work at the time.

Veritek is committed to managing their road risk and delivering its legal and moral obligations regarding employees driving for work to ensure they get home safe and well at the end of each day. Driving for work refers to any work carried out on behalf of Veritek that involves an employee driving a vehicle and covers all journeys other than to and from the employee’s normal place of work.

Many vehicles used for work journeys are supplied by the employer, but there are also vehicles used for work that are owned, leased, or hired by individual members of staff. These are called “grey fleet” vehicles and drivers. Veritek owes the same duty of care under health and safety law to grey fleet drivers as they do to employees who drive company owned, leased, or hired vehicles.

Veritek requires any employees who drive for work to comply with safe driving guidance and always follow the Highway Code. There is no requirement or expectation that an employee, regardless of their position, will break any road traffic law while driving on work journeys. There is no business activity that justifies placing an employee or others at risk of a road collision.

All employees who drive for work on behalf of Veritek have a legal duty, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to comply with this driving for work policy while doing so.

Non Compliance

Employees who drive for work will be responsible and accountable for their own actions when driving for the purposes of work. Should Veritek receive information that an employee may have breached this policy, an internal investigation will be carried out which may lead to disciplinary action being taken, including the possibility of termination of employment.

Policy Monitoring

This policy was last reviewed on 18/09/2024 by Rachel Harris, Fleet Manager.

Veritek reserves the right to amend policy requirements relating to employees who drive and vehicles which are being used for work purposes.

This policy will be formally reviewed and updated by on at least an annual basis, or sooner if deemed appropriate, or by reasonable request.

The Driver

Driving Licence Checks

The Road Traffic Act 1988 states that as well as it being an offence for a driver to drive without a valid licence, it is also an offence for a person or organisation to permit a driver to drive without a valid licence. All employees who are engaged in work-related driving must:

  • be holders of a full current driving licence, valid in the UK, for the category of vehicle which they are driving (including automatic or manual).
  • notify their line manager immediately if their licence has expired, been suspended, revoked, or cancelled, or has had any limitation placed upon it.
  • notify their employer immediately of any driving endorsements or prosecutions, including any that are accrued while driving a private vehicle, as this could affect any relevant insurance policies in place.
  • notify the DVLA or DVA NI immediately of any changes to their name or address.
  • allow their licence to be checked on a regular basis.

Veritek will carry out checks of driving licences for all employers who are required to drive on company business. Employees are required to provide details to facilitate the checking of their driving licence against the DVLA database. We have partnered with TTC to complete Licence Checks, Online Driver Risk Assessment and Training Needs Analysis.

Fitness To Drive

A person’s fitness to drive can be affected by a medical condition, by temporary illness and by the environment in which they work, drive and live. Health impairments – including stress, sleep disturbance, migraine, flu, severe colds, hay fever – can lead to unsafe driving. Sometimes, the treatment for these conditions can also impair driving. It is the employees responsibility to ensure they are fit to drive before embarking on any work journey.

You must promptly report any health condition that could potentially affect your driving to the licensing authority, the DVLA, as mandated by the Road Traffic Act 1988, section 94. The DVLA may take measures such as withdrawing your license or imposing specific conditions. If you need to report a particular medical condition, it’s advisable to seek guidance from your GP or hospital consultant. After reporting the condition, you must communicate the DVLA’s response to the Fleet Department or your line manager.


Employees driving for work are required to meet the minimum eyesight standards which involve being able to read an unfamiliar number plate from a distance of 20 metres (about 5 car lengths). Failure will result in the employee being stopped from driving on company business until they can demonstrate they meet the required minimum standard.

Medical Conditions

Employees should only drive when fit to do so. They should report to their manager any new condition, or a change in their health and wellbeing which may affect their ability to drive safely. Employees should make themselves familiar with Notifiable Conditions which must be reported to the DVLA.


Driving under the influence of drink or drugs is against the law. It is extremely dangerous and can seriously impair judgement and reactions leading to an increased risk of incidents and vehicle collisions.

No employee should attempt to drive whilst impaired or consume alcohol or any unlawful drugs in the workplace during work time or during a period prior to work where they may still be under the influence of alcohol and drugs effects which may carry over to the working hours.

Employees should also be mindful that many prescription medicines can cause drowsiness and affect the ability drive. If you are prescribed any drugs or medication, you should make your doctor aware that your job entails driving and ensure that you are aware of any restrictions on driving that are advised when taking the drugs or medication. Read any notes accompanying such medicines carefully and advise your manager if you think your driving may be affected.

The driver of a vehicle found to be over the drink-drive limit, and/or driving while impaired by drugs, can receive a criminal record, an unlimited fine, imprisonment, and an automatic driving ban. Driving while impaired by drink or drugs will be treated as gross misconduct and dealt with through the normal disciplinary process which could include termination of employment.


It is estimated that 20% of road collisions are a result of driver fatigue. Lack of sleep, or poor sleep can impair performance to the same extend as being over the legal alcohol limit. Employees should only drive when fit and healthy to do so which includes having had adequate sleep. Employees are expected to take adequate rest breaks during a journey – typically a 15-minute rest for every two hours of driving.

Whilst it is not an offence to drive tired, if tiredness is suspected to be the cause of a crash, the police can investigate all aspects relating to the driver of the vehicle. In a fatal incident, the driver could be charged with death by dangerous driving or death by careless driving, with a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison.

Practical tips for minimising stress while driving are crucial for maintaining safety on the road:

– If you are running late, find a safe place to stop and make a phone call to explain the situation rather than taking risks.

– If feasible, avoid traveling during peak traffic times.

– Choose the least congested route whenever practical.

– Allow for extra time in your travel schedule by adding a generous margin to your expected travel time.

– Take regular breaks, aiming for at least a 15–20 minute break after every two hours of driving or sooner if you start feeling tired.

– Limit your driving periods to a reasonable time or distance.

– Share driving responsibilities with someone if possible.

– Maintain a calm demeanour even when faced with roadworks or inconsiderate drivers. There may be little you can do in such situations, so it is not worth getting upset about them.

In specific situations, it may be more appropriate to arrange overnight accommodation rather than continuing a journey. This could be due to extreme weather conditions, a later-than-anticipated departure, or if you are feeling tired. Safety should always be the top priority when making such decisions, and it is advisable to consult with your line manager for guidance.


All kinds of personal stresses can affect your ability to concentrate and drive safely. Financial worries, health issues, relationship problems and family situations such as a new baby can all understandably have a hugely distracting effect. If a personal situation is affecting your ability to concentrate while driving, please talk to your manager.

Driver Competence

In addition to holding a valid licence, employees must also be deemed competent to drive and given the necessary skills to drive in a safe and secure manner considering the potential range of vehicle types they may drive and activities they may conduct. This is specifically important for activities involving use of commercial vehicles, towing and individuals who drive long distances on company business. The company may occasionally require drivers to undertake additional training or refresher training.

Veritek has partnered with TTC to help us assess your exposure to risk and to enable us to make an informed decision on whether we may be able to help keep you safer when driving for work.

Drivers Responsibility

If you drive on company business, regardless of vehicle ownership, you are expected to adhere to the following responsibilities:

  • Drive on company and customer sites safely and appropriately, following site speed limits, one-way systems, and pedestrian crossings, among other regulations.
  • Conduct pre-driving vehicle safety checks before using a vehicle.
  • Always drive safely and within the legal speed limits for the road you are on.
  • Comply with the company’s mobile phone policy, as outlined in the Company handbook.
  • Ensure that proper arrangements are in place, especially if carrying hazardous goods (if authorized to do so).
  • Ensure that you and your passengers always wear seatbelts.
  • Do not drive when your mental judgment and/or physical ability is impaired by illness, alcohol, drugs, medication, or when you are fatigued.
  • Immediately report all incidents and vehicle damage to your line manager or fleet manager.
  • Avoid putting yourself at undue personal risk. For instance, if the weather conditions become extremely severe, it is acceptable to halt your journey as soon as possible and wait until it is safe to continue. Always inform your line manager when this happens.
  • Thoughtfully consider where you park your vehicle, particularly if it is left unattended overnight or for an extended period.
  • Aim to park the vehicle in a secure, well-lit area, particularly overnight, and avoid parking in places that may expose the vehicle to potential damage.
  • Ensure that all items inside the vehicle are stored out of sight or removed when the vehicle is left unattended. No items to be left on the rear seats.
  • The Fleet Manager will inform the driver about any speeding or parking fines. If these fines are indisputable, the money will be deductible from the driver’s salary. If you face prosecution for other motoring offenses, you will be responsible for the legal costs unless there are very exceptional circumstances. Attendance at a speed awareness course will require the use of holiday time.
  • Report all formal cautions and impending prosecutions stemming from your driving, whether on company business or not, or in a privately owned vehicle, to your line manager or fleet manager.
  • Not smoking or vaping in any company vehicle and ensuring that no one else does.
  • Promptly reporting any mechanical defects or damage to the fleet department
  • Regularly cleaning your vehicle, both the interior and exterior.

New Drivers

New drivers are subject to a two-year ‘probationary period’.

The DVLA will revoke your driving licence if you accumulate 6 points during this time. To get it back, you need to re-test. This new driver penalty is not a discretionary matter for the court. If you are guilty of the offence, magistrates have very little discretion about imposing points on your licence.

Once you have the points, the decision to revoke happens administratively at the DVLA as soon as the court has notified them of the points on your licence.

As part of our responsibility to ensure the safety of new drivers – the Company will implement the following:

  • All new drivers must complete the Driver Safety Awareness Training Module within two weeks of passing their test if possible.
  • The Fleet and Line Managers will use the vehicle tracker to review new driver behaviour. Any concerns are raised with the new driver immediately.

The Vehicle

Vehicle Roadworthiness

A roadworthy vehicle is one that is safe to drive with all its safety-critical and other important elements in good condition and working order.

Drivers should conduct a walk around check of their vehicle to ensure there are no safety defects. A helpful aide is to remember the acronym POWDER: – Petrol (fuel) – Oil – Water – Damage – Electrics – Rubber. When checking tyres, ensure they are the correct pressure, do not have any cuts, bulges or other damage such as nails or screws, and that they have sufficient tread depth. The legal minimum tread depth for cars, vans and other LCVs is 1.6mm across 75% (three quarters) of the width of the tyre. Tyres should be replaced BEFORE they are at the legal limit.

Check the windscreen for any damage. Many chips can be repaired however, for damage larger than 10mm directly in front of the driver, the law usually requires the windscreen to be replaced.

Any defects and/or damage should be reported immediately to the Fleet Manager. If safety-critical defects are found then the vehicle must not be used until those faults or defects have been rectified. Non-safety-critical defects should be rectified at the earliest possible opportunity.

Driving a vehicle with major defects is a serious offence and can result in harsh penalties. The penalties a driver may receive for driving a defective vehicle will range depending on the type and severity of the offence. Any such penalties are the responsibility of the driver. If the vehicle’s condition causes the driver to have a collision, they could face additional charges and penalties.

As winter approaches, it is recommended to have your local garage top up the antifreeze, as they can ensure the appropriate water-to-antifreeze ratio for cold weather conditions. This proactive approach is crucial for maintaining the vehicle’s performance and safety during the winter season.

Manufacturer’s Handbook

It is imperative to carefully read the vehicle manufacturer’s handbook, even if you have previous experience with a similar model. Keep the handbook in the vehicle at all times to serve as a reference for technical data, such as tyre pressures, or in the event of an emergency.

Safe Loads

Insecure loads pose a significant risk to other road users and incidents involving insecure loads can easily result in loss of life or life-changing injuries. The Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and the police have powers to issue fines to any driver in charge of a vehicle that is overloaded or if the load is insecure.

The load on a vehicle is not just restricted to goods being carried. The load is anything being carried on and in the vehicle including tools, equipment, machinery, load restraint equipment, signage, raw materials, samples, and baggage. All can be classified as being part of the load being carried and must be safely and securely fixed to and/or in the vehicle.

Employees required to drive for work purposes will attend and comply with any training provided around safe and secure loads. They will check and ensure that ‘their load’ is within load limits and securely fastened before commencing a journey, and then again during a journey when any part of the load has been moved or removed. They should report any incident and near miss to their manager, that involves the safety and security of their load.

It is company policy that all equipment must be stored within the boot compartment of the vehicle and not on the rear seats.


Vehicle Cleanliness

It is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to maintain the vehicle being driven for work in a high standard of cleanliness both internally and externally. The dashboard must be kept free of loose items including paperwork, food, litter and/or tools and equipment. The rear of the vehicle must be kept free of debris and maintained in a clean, organised, and presentable state.

Vehicle Security

When using a company vehicle for work, employees must ensure the security of the vehicle, it’s condense and its keys. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Key Security: Never leave vehicle keys unattended in public places. At home, keep them out of sight and reach, preferably away from the front door to prevent remote theft.
  • Vehicle Locking: Always lock the vehicle when not in use and activate any security devices provided.
  • Parking: Park in well-lit areas. If possible, use security-patrolled car parks or those covered by CCTV.

Vehicle Tracker Responsibility

Each driver is issued a Webfleet Plug and Play vehicle tracker. The tracker is the driver’s responsibility. Please ensure it is securely fitted into the vehicle’s OBD portal for accurate tracking. Remember to remove it when switching vehicles.

Purpose and Compliance

The vehicle tracking system aims to improve service levels, safety, and efficiency, while ensuring compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Reasons for Tracking

  • Enhanced Customer Service: Provides real-time updates on deliveries and service schedules.
  • Safety of Mobile Workers: Monitors vehicle locations to dispatch help quickly in emergencies.
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimises routes, reduces fuel consumption, and improves fleet management.
  • Theft Recovery: Increases chances of recovering stolen vehicles with precise location data.
  • Monitoring Driver Behaviour: Promotes safer driving practices and reduces accident risks.
  • Automatic Logging: The tracker automatically records all trips, eliminating the need for manual entry. This ensures that every mile driven is accurately logged.
  • Trip Categorization: Allow you to categorize trips as personal or business. This makes it easy to separate and report mileage for different purposes.

Data Security

Data collected must be processed lawfully, kept secure, and accessed only by authorised personnel. Misuse of data can lead to legal action.

Access and Retention

Employees can request access to their data. Personal data is kept confidential and retained only as long as necessary.

Mileage Submission

It is crucial to submit all mileage frequently to ensure the proper functioning of the tracker and to maintain accurate reporting. Ideally, mileage should be submitted by the end of each day or, at the very latest, by the end of each week.

Key Points:

  • Daily/Weekly Submission: Submitting mileage daily or weekly helps verify the tracker’s functionality and ensures effective reporting.
  • Monthly Deadline: Any unsubmitted mileage must be submitted by the end of each month without fail.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure accurate tracking and reporting, which is essential for operational efficiency and accountability. Please make this a priority in your daily routine. If you have any questions or need assistance with the submission process, do not hesitate to reach out.

Engine Idling

Veritek is committed to protecting air quality by reducing the environmental impact of their operations in relation to engine idling by employees in company vehicles or in private vehicles being used on company business. Vehicle exhaust emissions from idling vehicles contributes significantly to air pollution which impacts on health, economic growth, and quality of life.

The driver of any vehicle being used on company business will:

  • turn the engine off when a vehicle is stationary for more than 1 minute and only restart when they are ready to drive away.
  • not use the engine to pre-heat the vehicle unless necessary due to safety considerations or weather conditions.
  • always turn off the engine when on a break, loading or unloading.

Engines may remain switched on to perform a pre use walk around check, for the safety of the vehicle occupants, or when unforeseen emergency circumstances arise.

Private Use Of Company Vehicles

Company vehicles can be utilized for “Personal Use” provided that the Fleet Manager has given prior approval. If you no longer need it, you have the option to discontinue personal use after a three-month period.

No company-supplied vehicle may be raced, rallied, or otherwise used in a non-business- related, off-road environment.

Your spouse or partner can only drive the vehicle after obtaining prior authorisation from the Fleet Manager.

It’s important to note that the Company strictly prohibits dependents from using a company vehicle under any circumstances.

If there’s a need for someone other than the individuals mentioned above to use the vehicle, prior agreement with the Company is necessary.


We provide employees with company vehicles suitable for their job requirements, such as carrying parts and equipment. Occasionally, vehicles may be swapped to balance mileage and prevent excessive use of any single vehicle.

Personal use of company vehicles requires prior agreement, contractual obligations, and approval from both HMRC and management. Employees must be aware that private use may incur taxation.

When a company vehicle is used privately, it creates a taxable benefit in kind. To comply with tax regulations, drivers must submit annual mileage declarations. Employees must reimburse Veritek for private mileage to avoid fuel benefit tax deductions. Declaration returns should be submitted to the Finance Department at the end of each month, recording all business and private mileage. The Finance Department can provide the payable rate per private mile. Verified costs will be deducted from your salary and shown on a monthly statements.

For vehicles provided exclusively for business purposes, strict rules apply:

  • Employees must have a home-based contractual arrangement.
  • Monthly mileage returns must be submitted to verify no personal use.
  • Personal vehicles must be used for all personal mileage.

These guidelines ensure compliance with tax regulations and proper use of company vehicles. Employees must adhere to these rules as outlined in their employment agreements.

Reporting procedures

The Company must complete P11d to HMRC details of any company vehicle and fuel benefit in kind. The Company will distribute a draft P11d annually, detailing all benefits provided in the year. Employees should report any discrepancies to the Fleet Manager or Finance Department.

You can find information on calculating benefits in kind of company vehicles on the HMRC website.

Process for owner driver reclaiming business mileage

Employees are required to complete and submit declaration returns to Head Office monthly (electronically or on paper). These returns are used to record all Veritek business mileage incurred.

The amount payable per private mile can be requested from the Finance Department.

Head office will verify and calculate the costs to the Employee and reimburse the Employee’s salary in the usual manner. Any payments will be displayed on your salary slip.



Employees being asked to tow a trailer or equipment should ensure that their driving licence allows them to do so legally.

Drivers should be competent at correctly hitching the trailer, checking the trailer before use including tyres, electrical and brake connections, ensuring loads are safe and secure, and manoeuvring/reversing the trailer. Drivers without this competence should seek additional training from their manager before towing on behalf of the organisation.

Employees towing a trailer or equipment should familiarise themselves with the relevant changes in speed limits and permitted motorway lanes while towing, along with the permitted weight limits for their vehicle/trailer combination. They should also remember to allow additional time for slowing down and manoeuvring their vehicle when towing.

Provision of Company Vehicle

The provision of Company Vehicles is subject to specific terms and conditions of employment, which determine employees’ eligibility to participate in our company vehicle scheme. We consider a company vehicle to be a valuable asset, and we expect all employees to treat such vehicles with due care and responsibility.

Vehicle choice

The availability of vehicle types, models, and specifications for order is subject to change at the discretion of the Senior Management Team and Fleet Manager. The choice of a vehicle depends on an employee’s company vehicle entitlement, job role, and availability.

Newly hired employees who meet the eligibility criteria for a company vehicle may be required to use an available pool vehicle or a hired vehicle where suitable, reasonable, and practical. The allocation of a pool or hire vehicle typically aligns with the individual’s company vehicle entitlement. However, the availability and timing of such vehicles are at the discretion of the Company.

We expect employees to retain and responsibly use their Company vehicle until a replacement is due.

On occasion, it may be necessary to swap one vehicle with another to ensure that the fleet accumulates mileage equally and to prevent any single vehicle from incurring excessive mileage.

These guidelines provide a framework for the use and management of company vehicles and are subject to change and adaptation as needed. It is essential for all employees to adhere to these policies and make responsible choices regarding the use and care of company vehicles.

Company Pool Vehicles

Veritek maintains a limited number of pool cars at the head office for staff travelling on business purposes only. To request the use of a pool vehicle, you must be an authorised driver and have shared your driving licence details with the Fleet Manager. A company fuel card will be provided with the vehicle.

Before driving a pool vehicle, ensure you familiarise yourself with the vehicle, conduct a walk-around inspection, and complete a vehicle safety check. Please leave the vehicle clean, removing all rubbish and personal belongings. Additionally, ensure the vehicle is returned with at least a quarter tank of fuel.

Returning a Company Vehicle

When the occasion arises for an employee to return a company vehicle, due to reasons such as receiving a new vehicle, exiting the company vehicle program, or terminating employment with Veritek, it is mandatory to follow these guidelines:

The vehicle must be meticulously cleaned, encompassing both the interior and exterior. In instances where the vehicle is leased or rented for a long term, it is crucial to rectify any damages, including alloy scuffs or paint chips, prior to its return. The collection company will perform an exhaustive inspection upon the vehicle’s return, adhering to standards established by the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA), which are widely recognised in the industry. If the vehicle is returned in a condition deemed unsatisfactory, the company reserves the right to levy charges for valeting or any other associated expenses. Furthermore, the company may also impose charges for the replacement of any items not returned with the vehicle.

Maintaining the vehicle in optimal condition is vital to avoid any supplementary charges. Please ensure all original items are returned with the vehicle to circumvent replacement costs. The Fuel Card and Webfleet Tracker must also be returned to the Fleet Manager.

Company Vehicle Withdrawal Terms

The company reserves the right to withdraw the provision of a company vehicle and a fuel card if the employee is unable to drive due to:

Work absence (this does not apply to statutory ordinary maternity/adoption leave period, long-term sickness absence period, or where a private mileage arrangement is in place). Employees are required to make their vehicles available for business use by another employee at any time, a medical condition, a driving disqualification, a conviction or motoring offence, excluding parking and minor speeding offences.

Or if the company has reasonable grounds to believe the employee:

Is unfit to drive. Has not properly adhered to any significant part of the policy. Termination of Employment

Upon termination of an employee’s employment, their contract will dictate whether they are permitted to continue using the vehicle during the specified notice period.

The company reserves the right to offer a payment in lieu equivalent to the value of the employee retaining the vehicle.

Employees are required to return any vehicle-related benefits, such as the fuel card, tracker and mileage returns.

If an employee has ‘Business Use’ only, the right to use and retain the company vehicle will cease on the day of termination, unless specific contrary arrangements have been agreed upon in writing.


Fuel Card (Allstar)

Our fuel policy is designed to ensure efficient fuel management for our company vehicles. Please take the time to understand our procedures for purchasing, using, and reclaiming fuel costs.

We offer two methods for fuel purchasing. Your Offer Letter and Terms of Employment will specify which one applies to you:

  1. Company vehicles: Veritek covers the cost of fuel for company travel. Employees are expected to reimburse Veritek for private mileage, with repayments based on HMRC recommended rates.
  2. Non-company vehicles: If you use your personal vehicle for work instead of a company vehicle, you have the option to ‘Opt. Out’. In this case, we will reimburse you for the miles you drive for work, according to HMRC recommended rates. Senior managers must approve employees who choose to opt out. The decision to ‘Opt. Out’ forms part of your employment agreement.

We provide Allstar fuel cards for all company vehicles to streamline the management of business fuel expenses.

Your fuel card should be used to purchase fuel for company vehicle use for business and any private UK miles (if applicable). This card can also be used to pay for the M6 Toll (Business use).

Fuel cards are assigned to specific company vehicle registration numbers and should only be used for the assigned vehicle. If temporary company vehicles are in use, we will provide a Fuel Card in your name.

Employees are expected to:

• Stay informed about fuel prices and aim to purchase fuel from the most affordable outlets (such as Asda, Tesco, etc.), avoiding expensive suppliers and motorway service stations where possible.

• Ensure vehicles are fuelled correctly with the appropriate type of fuel. The Company reserves the right to deduct the cost of repairs resulting from incorrect fuelling from an individual’s salary.
• Check and sign the receipt, provide the correct vehicle registration number and give the correct mileage reading at every fuel purchase.
• Keep your card secure and never leave it unattended in the vehicle. Report lost or stolen cards immediately to the fuel card provider and fleet manager. Failure to do so may result in you being held responsible for fraudulent transactions.

Employees are strictly prohibited from using Fuel Cards to purchase fuel and the M6 toll for other vehicles. Any unusual fuel purchases will be investigated according to the Company’s disciplinary procedure.

Purchasing oil/screen wash/de-icer

You can purchase oil (ensure that it is the correct type) and other essential items for your company vehicle with your Allstar fuel card (if accepted) or claim the receipted cost back via expenses.

Veritek will reimburse company car drivers for these purchases, provided they are reasonable, and a receipt is provided. Please refer to the expenses policy in the Company Handbook for more details.


Overseas Travel – Company Cars

Taking a company vehicle abroad is subject to the terms and conditions of your employment. To do so, you must obtain permission, necessary documentation (such as V5/VE103B), and additional information from the Fleet Manager. Please ensure you give the Fleet Manager at least 2 weeks’ notice to obtain the correct documentation.

For travel within the European Union (EU), you are no longer required to obtain a green card for vehicle insurance. However, it is advisable to consult with your insurer before driving abroad to ensure you are adequately covered.

If your travel takes you outside of the EU, you must procure the relevant documentation from the Fleet Department.

When driving abroad, it is imperative to familiarise yourself with and adhere to local traffic laws and regulations in the country you are visiting. We expect you to drive in accordance with UK safety limits and standards.

To assist you in understanding the rules and regulations for driving in various European countries, you can refer to the following websites for useful advice:

  • The AA
  • RAC

It is mandatory to have breakdown cover, which must also include repatriation coverage for the company vehicle.

Employees are responsible for the cost of breakdown insurance for personal travel, and it is essential to provide a copy of the policy to the Fleet Department before your departure.

Please be aware that the Company does not permit the purchase of private fuel during overseas travel. If your trip is for business purposes, the Company will reimburse you for business fuel expenses, provided you submit fuel purchase receipts. All associated costs, including those for personal travel, are your responsibility.

Vehicle Insurance

Veritek Global Ltd provides a fully comprehensive motor insurance policy that includes European coverage for both company vehicles and approved drivers. Our present insurance is provided by Allianz, with the certificate number BV/27657787, which is valid until 01/11/2024.

In certain situations, you might be asked to pay a portion of the insurance excess. This could be for claims resulting from driver error or negligence, or claims associated with the theft of items left visible in an unattended vehicle.

It’s essential to comprehend these insurance terms to ensure the appropriate usage and maintenance of company vehicles, thereby reducing potential liabilities.

A updated copy of the Company Insurance Policy will be emailed to all drivers upon renewal.

The Journey

Journey Planning

Any journey should be reviewed, and a decision made as to whether the journey by road is necessary, whether it can be made by rail or air travel, or replaced with remote communications.

Where road journeys are required, driving during the higher-risk periods of 02:00-06:00 and 14:00-16:00 should be minimised or avoided altogether. Journey routes should be planned to use the highest quality roads, such as motorways and dual carriageways where possible.

No employee should be required to drive continuously for more than 2 hours without at least a 15-minute break. Breaks and break locations should be planned in advance. Where employees are planned to travel a long distance to a work location at the beginning or end of the day, or if travel time risks making the working day unreasonably long, employees can discuss with their manager the requirement to arrange overnight accommodation to avoid driving tired.

Safe Driving

One of the most significant risks drivers face, and create, is driving at inappropriate speeds. This includes both exceeding the speed limit and driving within the limit but still too fast for the road and weather conditions.

Employees who drive for work should know the speed limits for the type of vehicle they are driving and road they are travelling on and understand the importance of staying within speed limits. Van drivers should remember that the applicable speed limit for a van is often lower than that of a car.

No employee driving for work should never drive faster than road conditions safely allow and should always obey speed limits. Employees driving for work are expected to always drive safely, responsibly, and legally. The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and 3 penalty points added to a driving licence.

Safe Speeds

Driving at a safe speed can provide several benefits:

  • Reduces Fatalities: Every 1 mph reduction in vehicle speeds on urban streets results in a 6 percent decrease in traffic fatalities
  • Improves Road Safety: Driving at safe speeds allows for better control of the vehicle, a clearer vision of road signs, road users, and potential hazards, and overall better judgment.

Remember, maintaining a safe speed is not just about avoiding penalties—it’s about ensuring the safety of all road users. So, slow down and drive safe! 


It has been a legal requirement for drivers and passengers to wear seat belts since 1983. The minimum penalty if caught not wearing a seatbelt is a fine of £100, rising to £500 if the case goes to court.

Seat belts are the best protection against injury or death in a crash. Wearing a seat belt reduces the chance of serious injury or death by 40% to 60%. People thrown from a vehicle are 4 times more likely to be killed than those who were wearing a seat belt and remain inside the vehicle. Seat belts should be worn by both drivers and passengers while traveling for work in any vehicle, whether company-operated or privately-owned. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for enforcing seat belt use by all occupants.

Where medically exempt from wearing a seat belt, a Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing should be obtained from a doctor. A copy must be presented to the Manager and a copy kept in the vehicle being driven to present to the police if stopped.

Driver Distraction

The use of a handheld mobile device in any vehicle whilst driving is illegal and employees face prosecution if caught doing so. Police can issue a fixed penalty notice (£200 fine and 6 penalty points) or summons the driver to court where they are likely to receive a more stringent penalty on conviction. Please note that any such penalty could affect your employment.

The use of hands-free mobile devices in all vehicles being driven for work is permitted though, while legal, hands-free use is not risk-free; using a hands-free device when driving creates an avoidable distraction that affects a driver’s ability to concentrate and impairs their reaction times.

Drivers are permitted to use mobile phone devices with hands-free access, as long as they do not hold them at any time during usage. Hands-free access means using:

  • a dashboard holder or windscreen mount
  • a Bluetooth connection to the vehicle (earphones are not permitted)
  • voice activation

A hands-free device fitted to the windscreen must not block the driver’s view of the road and traffic ahead. Drivers must always stay in full control of their vehicle. The police can stop drivers if they think they are not in control because they are distracted, and they can be prosecuted.

Note: It is illegal to stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway to make or take a call.

Driving in Adverse Weather

Weather can be unpredictable and can change quickly. When it does, the risk of a serious collision occurring substantially increases. Driving in adverse weather conditions can be extremely dangerous and can affect a drivers’ awareness and concentration as well as their ability to drive safely.

Before commencing any journey, employees who are required to drive for work should always consider the weather conditions and potential for changes and deterioration in weather. They should adjust their driving style to the weather and road conditions at the time. Fuel levels should be checked at the start of a journey to ensure there is sufficient to complete the journey, and employees should have access to a fully charged mobile electronic device to provide updates to their managers if they need to postpone journeys or change routes when the police and travel organisations advise against road travel due to weather conditions.

If poor weather is expected, the necessity for the journey should be considered. Employees who still need to drive should ensure they have appropriate clothing to stay warm and dry, plus food and water in case of travel delays.

Employees driving for work should also have with them an up-to-date list of breakdown and emergency contact numbers.


For safety and insurance reasons, under no circumstances are employees permitted to allow unauthorised passengers in any vehicle being used for work purposes. Employees are not permitted to pick up hitchhikers in a company vehicle, and employees using their own vehicles for work are not permitted to pick up hitchhikers while driving on company business.

The driver of the vehicle is responsible for the safety and conduct of everyone in their vehicle. If the carrying of passengers is permitted by management, the number of legally permitted passengers is not to be exceeded in that vehicle and seat belts must be used, unless medical exemption certificates apply.

The carriage of children, dogs or any other animal in a vehicle being used for work purposes is not permitted.


Under the 2006 Health Act, smoking is banned in the workplace, and any vehicles being used for work. Smoking by either driver or passengers is not permitted in any vehicle while traveling on official company business. This includes vehicles allocated to a single person. This policy includes the use of e-cigarettes and vapes. Employees and their passengers who smoke in work vehicles are breaking the law and can be fined.

Fines And Penalties

Any employee who is caught and prosecuted by the police for unsafe and dangerous behaviour while driving a vehicle for work, will be responsible for any fines, administration charges and subsequent penalties imposed. Parking fines are the responsibility of the driver and not the employer. Licence endorsements may affect the insurance of the driver concerned and mean they are unable to continue driving on behalf of Veritek.

The Company will reimburse one parking fine at the lowest cost per year (April-March) per employee if accrued while working on company business.

Toll Roads/Tunnels/Parking

When journeying on a toll road, it is of utmost importance to ensure accurate payment within the designated time frame to prevent any ensuing fines or penalties.

For any business-related travel expenses incurred, please submit receipts or proof of purchase in line with the Policy guidelines for expenses. Upon receipt of the necessary documentation, the Company will process your reimbursement.

Failure to make the required payment will result in you being held accountable for the penalty fee and any additional administrative charges that may arise.

The Company will bear all expenses related to Congestion Zones, road tolls, bridge crossings, ferry rides, and tunnel fees for business travel, provided a valid receipt is presented.

In instances where the company has authorised the provision of Toll payments, registration for the Company’s corporate parking payment scheme, or a similar item, the following conditions are applicable:

  • The item is intended solely for business use and should not be utilised for personal purposes unless specified by a Line Manager.
  • Compliance with the requirements to provide journey/job information to support statements when requested is compulsory.

For additional information regarding the Company’s toll and parking schemes, please contact the fleet department.

Please note that all Company registered vehicles are included on the Veritek business account for Dartford Toll and M6 Toll crossings.

If you undertake a personal journey, please inform the Fleet Manager so this can be deducted from your salary accordingly. This transparency aids in ensuring accurate accounting and reimbursement processes.

Breakdowns, Punctures And Glass Repair

If your company-supplied vehicle breaks down, call VWFS Fleet Driverline 24/7 on 03301008950 or Marshall Leasing on 03301008950.

If your company-supplied vehicle suffers a puncture, call ATS on 0800505505 or Kwik Fit on 0800222111. If you are on a motorway, you must not attempt to change the wheel or tyre yourself.

If your company-supplied vehicle suffers a broken windshield or window, call VWFS Fleet Driverline 24/7 on 03301008950 or National Windscreens on 0800373171

Useful Contact Numbers

Fleet Department
Rachel Harris Fleet Manager Office:  01323 500200

Mobile: 07968 606601

Veritek Company Insurance

Policy number: BV/27657787

Expiry date: 01/11/2024

24 Hour Motor Claim Line for motor accident, theft and recovery claims 0370 606 4912
Vehicle Servicing, Maintenance, Tyres. Breakdown and Accident
ATS Account no: A00927836 0800 505 505/Text 83332
Kwik Fit Account no: N9900S 0800 222 111/Text KWIK to 81025
Marshall Leasing Driver Line For Skoda (Contract Hire) 03456 021286
VWFS Fleet Driver Line Servicing, Maintenance, Tyres. Breakdown and Accident Management 0330 100 8965
Breakdown – Pool Cars

Use this phone number if your vehicle is outside of the manufacture provided breakdown warranty period – normally 12 months.

Allstar AA Breakdown Recovery or Fuel Assistance Select option 3. Quote your Allstar fuel card number 0870 419 51656
Windscreen repair/replacement
National Windscreens Account no: 175401 0800 373 171 (24hr no.)
Fuel cards: Lost or stolen.

If you report a loss to Allstar out of hours, please also notify Fleet Dept in office hours.

Allstar Out of office hours: 0370 419 5165
Rachel Harris Office hours 01323 500 200


Damage Or Theft While Parked

If your vehicle is damaged or stolen while unattended, call your line manager and fleet manager for further instructions.

Any defects and/or damage should be reported immediately to the Fleet Manager. In instances where the company is unable to recover repair costs from a third party, such occurrences are designated as non-recoverable. In such cases, employees may be obligated to assume responsibility for the insurance excess as stipulated by the insurance company or contribute towards the incurred repair expenses.

The company reserves the right to recover costs resulting from negligent or malicious actions by employees relating to vehicles, hotel, company or customer property or any other item deemed pertinent. Any damage to company-owned, leased, or rental vehicles, such as dents, scuffs, paint chips, or alloy wheel damage resulting from a driver’s misjudgement or negligence, will be the responsibility of the driver to arrange for repairs and cover the associated costs.

In situations necessitating the collection of charges from individual employees, management will engage in discussions with the employees to reach mutual agreement on payment options.


After any accident or collision YOU MUST STOP. Failure to stop at the scene of an accident is a criminal offence. If you are involved in a collision that results in injury to a third party, you are required by law to contact the emergency services immediately by telephoning 999. If nobody has been injured and your vehicle is not causing an obstruction, you are not required to call the emergency services.

If it is possible to move your vehicle to a safe location at the side of the road you should do so and switch off the engine. Move all uninjured passengers to the side of the road. If you are on a motorway, ensure everyone remains behind the safety barrier. Do not attempt to move injured passengers unless they are in danger – wait instead for the paramedics to arrive. If a motorcyclist is involved, do not attempt to remove their crash helmet.

Once all vehicles and passengers are safe and before speaking to any third parties, call VWFS Driverline 24/7 or the Fleet Manager on 03301008950 and let them talk to any third parties.

Do not admit any liability for the collision or enter into any discussion other than to exchange the details required to report the accident to your insurance company and your employer.

If possible, and without putting yourself in danger, take photos of the accident and any damage to the vehicles involved. You should also take photos of any road or landscape features that may have contributed to the collision.

You will need to complete a full report of the incident including a diagram of the vehicles showing how the accident occurred, why it occurred and what damage resulted.

Clear any debris to the side of the road so it doesn’t present any danger to other road users but DO NOT try to recover any debris if you are on a motorway. If your vehicle is drivable, you may now continue your journey.

Incident Reporting

All work-related road incidents and near misses, including those involving privately owned vehicles used for work purposes, should be reported as soon as it is safe to do so. Prompt and accurate reporting helps ensure employee safety and reduces the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future.

Reporting Procedure

  • Company-Supplied Vehicles: Incidents involving company-supplied vehicles must be reported to your Line Manager and the Fleet Manager immediately, or at the latest, within 24 hours.
  • Out of Office Hours: If an incident occurs outside of office hours and urgent assistance is required (e.g., vehicle recovery), contact VWFS Fleet Driverline on 0330 100 8965 or Allianz on 0370 606 4912 for immediate support.


  • Incident: An event resulting in personal injury to an employee or another person, property or vehicle damage, or a dangerous occurrence. This includes motoring offences, crashes or collisions involving work-related vehicles, and vehicle breakdowns.
  • Near Miss: A dangerous occurrence that had the potential to cause personal injury or property damage but did not result in actual harm.

Additional Information

  • Documentation: Ensure all incidents and near misses are documented accurately and promptly.
  • Follow-Up: Follow up with your Line Manager and Fleet Manager to ensure all necessary steps are taken post-incident.
  • Safety Measures: Regularly review and adhere to safety protocols to prevent future incidents.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can maintain a safer working environment for everyone. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Line Manager.

Employee Driving Safety and Incident Management Policy

As part of our duty of care to you as an employee, we are committed to keeping you as safe as possible while you are driving for work. We have partnered with TTC to help us assess your exposure to risk and to enable us to make an informed decision on whether we may be able to help keep you safer when driving for work.

  • All drivers must complete online driver awareness training every quarter as allocated by TTC.
  • Any driver involved in two or more road traffic incidents within three years must attend a full-day, in-person ‘Post Incident Training’ course.
  • Each month, the Driver’s Behaviour Report will be reviewed by the Fleet Manager and the National Field Manager to identify the top ten drivers with the most concerning behaviour.
    • First Month: Documented discussion with your Line Manager.
    • Second Consecutive Month: Discussion with the National Operations Manager and HR.
    • Third Consecutive Month: Discussion with the Group Operations Director.
    • Further Recurrences: Possible disciplinary action over the next 12 months.
  • Veritek reserves the right to claim a portion of the insurance excess if an incident is due to negligence or theft of property left in plain view, subject to approval from the Operations Director.
  • Any driver with three or more road traffic incidents over a three-year period and who appears in the top ten bad drivers report more than six times in the same period may be investigated.
  • Drivers who have not been in accidents but have caused or allowed damage to their cars on more than one occasion may also be investigated. 


Grey Fleet Drivers

Please be aware that if you utilise your personal vehicle for work-related purposes, the organisation’s legal obligation to ensure the safety of the driver, the vehicle, and the journey remains unchanged. It is incumbent upon grey fleet drivers to familiarise themselves with all company policies pertinent to driving for work and to ensure they consistently adhere to them.

Grey fleet drivers are required to ensure:

  • They are in a fit state to drive.
  • They possess a valid driving licence for the vehicle being driven and grant permission for the employer to verify this licence directly with the DVLA. We have collaborated with TTC to conduct Licence Checks and to confirm the accuracy of vehicle documentation.
  • The vehicle is suitable for the journey and use, taxed, a valid MOT and serviced in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
  • They have appropriate and valid insurance coverage for business use.
  • They can provide documentary evidence of the above, upon request.
  • The vehicle is regularly inspected to confirm its roadworthiness and a walk-around safety check is performed prior to embarking on any lengthy work journey.
  • They will inform their Manager if they are unable to use a vehicle that meets the minimum safety standards required.
  • They will inform their Manager of any Notice of Intended Prosecutions and collisions they are involved in while driving, particularly while on a journey for work purposes.
  • They comply with company rules and policies when using their own vehicle for work.

Policy Queries

If there is anything in this policy document that you do not fully understand, or would like clarification on, please contact the Fleet Manager.

Please confirm you have read and fully understood the Veritek Global Driving to Work Policy.


Driver Signature:


Driver Full Name:

