Galaxy Insulations – Accreditations
As well as maintaining its FORS Gold status, Galaxy will now aim for DVSA Earned Recognition status. Wayne says this will prove it has excellent compliance systems. Wayne says it is important to recognise the value of the process. “Audits and accreditations are a chance to review where you are, and to have helpful, constructive input as to how you can be better,” he says. The company is working towards #netzero, and is currently the only carbon neutral company in its sector. Wayne says that this began with proper fleet management and safety. Galaxy now has an electric van, and all electric forklifts. Its major benefit, however, came from ‘going local’. Having more regional depots allowed the company to cut mileage and driving hours, yet improve customer service. Galaxy offsets the remaining carbon emissions.
Provider: Driving for Better Business
Resource Type: Web link