changing driver behaviour

Ping – what it is and why fleet managers should sign up

By |2024-05-29T14:15:55+01:00June 15th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Ping - what are your drivers doing? National Highways is encouraging fleet operators to join its free trial of Ping, its driver behaviour initiative that uses cameras on the road network to flag dangerous driving. Ping uses various sensors and cameras on the strategic road network (SRN) to “ping” alerts to fleet operators to

Changing Driver Behaviour – setting habits for safer driving

By |2022-11-01T09:11:22+00:00October 19th, 2022|DfBB Articles, News|

Changing Driver Behaviour National Highways have launched a new resource specifically geared at those who employ drivers to help them with setting habits for safer driving. The aim is to help organisations embed vehicle checking for work based driving. The resources support employers in working through the 5 steps to introducing and sustaining vehicle

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