safe road users

Rural roads – making your drivers aware of the risks

By |2024-05-29T14:22:02+01:00June 9th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

This week's blog looks at driving on rural roads, and the key points your drivers should be aware of. DO I NEED A DRIVING FOR WORK POLICY? Rural roads - more dangerous by a country mile Rural roads in the UK have the same number of collisions as urban roads, but a far

The Secret to Improving Driver Behaviour

By |2024-05-29T14:25:46+01:00June 2nd, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Thanks to Driving for Better Business Partners, Assetworks, for this week's blog on managing driver behaviour and the business benefits that come from that. WHAT SHOULD I INCLUDE IN MY DRIVING FOR WORK POLICY? Driver behaviour - what's the secret? Fleet professionals who manage a mobile workforce have limited visibility into how drivers

Project EDWARD – safe speed, safe road users, safe vehicles

By |2024-06-03T15:33:20+01:00May 4th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Project EDWARD 2023 The 2023 Project EDWARD week of action supported by National Highways is taking place from 15 – 19 May to coincide with the UN Global Road Safety Week. Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) is the biggest platform for showcasing good practice in road safety in the UK. Managed

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