Managing Fleet Safety

Fleet Challenges & Greener Fleets – Fleet Manager Q&A

By |2024-06-03T17:27:34+01:00February 4th, 2023|DfBB Articles, News|

Martin Edgecox has been National Fleet Manager at National Highways since 1999. His previous career was in the automotive supply chain working with manufacturers such as Volkswagen, Honda and Ford. He shares his experience of managing a diverse operational fleet. DO I NEED A DRIVING FOR WORK POLICY? Can you describe your role

Driver Competence – driver training in the construction sector

By |2022-12-11T20:10:03+00:00December 11th, 2022|DfBB Articles, News|

Our guest article this week is from Mark Cowan MILT MARRM, Director of Transport, Logistics & Concrete at the British Aggregates Association and Director at MinTrain™ British Aggregates Association are a partner of the Driving for Better Business Programme and share our ambition to bring about a radical change in how organisations think about

Mobile tyre safety station launched by National Highways

By |2022-12-15T13:04:11+00:00December 9th, 2022|DfBB Articles, News|

Mobile tyre safety station - 28,000 vehicles and counting National Highways launches its mobile tyre safety station which has now tested more than 28,000 vehicles. Did you know that 20% of all breakdowns on the strategic road network (SRN) are caused by tyre failure? That's 50,000 tyre related breakdowns every year - and 30%

Managing Fleet Safety Q&A – Balfour Beatty

By |2023-12-19T16:51:49+00:00December 5th, 2022|DfBB Articles, News|

Balfour Beatty is a leading international infrastructure group, responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining railways, roads, power infrastructure and much more. We talk to Adrian Wanford, Balfour Beatty’s Group Transport Compliance Manager about how he manages fleet safety. DfBB: Tell us a little about the size and diversity of the fleet Adrian. Adrian: We

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